The Herd

Tomich Family Farms was born in December of 2016. It was only a short matter of time in the summer of 2017 before the first cows came to be at the farm. The arrival of five Scottish highlands kicked off the initial herd that now extends over 80 head with some artisan and heritage cross breeds. However, Jared has stayed true to his desire to not only raise his own beef, but help those interested in starting herds, learning how to begin their own Scottish Highland farm or simply begin the planning of hobby farm life. 

The Story of our Scottish Highlands

Advantages to Scottish Highlands

Despite their stature and tough look, Highland cattle are known for their great temperament towards each other and humans. Their social hierarchy reduced conflict. These hairy friends are often trending as lovable and fun to brush, adorn and take fun farm photos with. However, it must be noted, Scottish Highland have large horns. You must be very careful about this choice especially with children on your farm as the horns can be very dangerous even if the cows are friendly and raised with you from birth or bottle fed. The advantage of horned animals is that they can defend themselves from prey. They are very majestic and have a great demeanor, however they require a lot of attention, a ton of food and careful care. It is recommended that if you are going to have Highland cows that eat off the land you need approximately 2 acres per head. Otherwise, you must supplement your cows with mixed rations or silage once or twice a week depending on your herd size.

Types of Breeds & Babies

Tomich Family Farms raises mostly Scottish Highland Cows and Bulls but also breeds cows of various species and lineage including Holstein, Hereford, Belted Galloway, Red Angus, British White and Texas Longhorn. Crossbreeding provides the opportunity to combine desirable characteristics for both herd development as well as meat quality or other desired results. 

Our Breeds

  • Scottish Highland

  • British White

  • Holstein

  • Longhorn

The Babies