Tomich family farms (the homestead) was established in 2016. With a five year old and a 1 year old in tow, the Tomich’s were ready to hit the reset button on life.

A year of significant and multiple devastating losses inspired a reboot that was much needed and quite off the beaten path. Jared (a former NFL player and now stay at home dad) convinced Michaline that neighborhoods with sidewalks might not be for them.  They drove out to the country farm they found on Craig's list, down a rural gravel driveway, to the hidden 30 acre farm that they would fall in love with and soon call home.

Despite having had no farm experience of his own, Jared, paired his strong desire to create his own food oasis, with his impressive YouTube search skills and his natural gift for animal husbandry. Fast forward over 7 years later, the Tomich’s have a lovely hidden gem of a farm where they raise beef cattle, Scottish Highland and mixed breed starter herds, some messy but loving pigs and an entertaining gang of misfit rescues and retired farm pets.

How it all started:


Jared Tomich

Jared Tomich was born and raised in St John, Indiana just 20 miles Northwest of Tomich Farms. After 7 years in the NFL and a few entrepreneurial endeavors, Jared found a strong desire to dig into farming. Since becoming a stay at home dad, the farm provided him both therapy and an opportunity to teach his kids. Jared has since used that opportunity to research and create the means to grow his love for animals into a growing farm endeavor. He now raises his own beef, pork, turkey, chicken and veggies. With a focus on Scottish Highland cows and some artisan mixed breads, Jared has produced top quality beef as well as consulted many starter herd hobby farm enthusiasts new to raising cattle of their own. From football field to farm field jared may have shifted from tackling some of the NFLs toughest offense to tackling sometimes subzero morning chores, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.

Avid supporter of Jared’s Farm Enthusiasm, Michaline is Jared’s wife of 15 plus years. She is the farm assist mostly when the cows get out, babies are born or jared is on a cattle delivery run, but in love with farm life. She can be found working usually diligently on business planning and ideation for her original company, mixdesign. Mixdesign is a branding and experience design company that focuses most of their energy on telling the story of Agriculture through experience design at State Fairs and nation wide agritourism destinations. In addition, she is Jared’s support for business planning and farm growth ideas. Together they have 2 boys, 5 dogs, 2 horses, a broody flock of turkeys and chickens, and an always moving target of over 80 head of cattle and pigs.

Michaline Tomich

Jackson & Jude

Farmhands since day one, these dirt loving, tractor driving boys have grown to love farm life.

As planned they have grown to love animals and foster an appreciation for the outdoors.

They may only be part time assists, between sports and school, we hope to see farming as a key piece of their world for years to come.

Daisy & Dug

These full time and most often overtime staffers make the best guards.

They are the parents of our farm watch dog bunch which include a Great Pyraneese and German shepherd mix.

No team members are more loyal than these two!


Rock & Roll